How To Convert Bazaar Repo to Git
This was way more difficult that I thought it would be, but I have conquered. I may be the only person in the world who even cares about doing this, but I'm writing it here so I don't forget. I think it's hard because both the revision control tools, and the conversion tool are all still pretty new and in a state of flux. I finally got it to work using bzr version 0.15.0, git version, and tailor version 0.9.29. Both bzr and git are just what I had on my Ubuntu Feisty Fawn box that I keep up to date with backports and everything. Tailor version 0.9.26 is in the feisty repositories, but it most definitely didn't work for this. I grabbed the tarball for the latest source from here . You can just untar it and run it right from there. OK, now, once you have tailor, to make this work, you need a tailor configuration file. Just put it anywhere and name it whatever you like. Mine looked a little like this: [DEFAULT] verbose = True patch-name-format = ...