ReCAPTCHA and Django FreeComments
My little family blog has been discovered by spammers. They have started leaving comments on my Django powered blog. Not very often, but enough to be annoying. I heard about reCAPTCHA and thought it was a fabulous idea, so I decided that was how I wanted to up the ante for the spammers on my blog. Integrating reCAPTCHA with the Django freecomments wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be though, so I want to write down how I made it work in case it will help somebody else down the road. First of all, I did my due diligence and googled for help. I didn’t find much, but I found an email , a snippet , and a blog that got me going in the right direction. While I’m citing references here, I also made use of the comments page on the Django wiki , and the request and response documentation too. The reCAPTCHA api docs were vital as well. OK, after doing my reading googling I got to work. I registered for a set of reCAPTCHA keys, downloaded the recaptcha-clie...