Is There No Good iPod Software for Linux?
What good is a blog if you can't complain and vent your frustrations to the world? I have a 3rd generation iPod that I won in a raffle way back before anyone even knew what an iPod was really. The only software that worked with an iPod on Linux in those days was gtkpod , and let me tell you, using that software was an incredible exercise in patience. I had about 5 GB of music, and it took about 5 full minutes for gtkpod to display any of my music. Then if you, say, clicked a tab to have it sort by artist name, it was another 5 minutes for it to redisplay the sorted list of music, and you could do nothing else with gtkpod until it was done with that redisplay. It was so infuriating, but for some reason I stuck with it. Once I learned what things would send it off into long periods of unresponsiveness, I carefully avoided clicking on those things and was able to get some music synced up to my iPod. If I ever did accidentally click the wrong thing and send if off into one of it...