SystemVerilog Fork Disable "Gotchas"
This is a long post with a lot of SystemVerilog code. The purpose of this entry is to hopefully save you from beating your head against the wall trying to figure out some of the subtleties of SystemVerilog processes (basically, threads). Subtleties like these are commonly referred to in the industry as "Gotchas" which makes them sound so playful and fun, but they really aren't either.
I encourage you to run these examples with your simulator (if you have access to one) so that a) you can see the results first hand and better internalize what's going on, and b) you can tell me in the comments if this code works fine for you and I'll know I should go complain to my simulator vendor.
OK, I'll start with a warm-up that everyone who writes any Verilog or SystemVerilog at all should be aware of, tasks are static by default. If you do this:
module top; task do_stuff(int wait_time); #wait_time $display("waited %0d, then did stuff", wait_time); endtask initial begin fork do_stuff(10); do_stuff(5); join end endmodule
both do_stuff calls will wait for 5 time units, and you see this:
waited 5, then did stuff waited 5, then did stuff
I suppose being static by default is a performance/memory-use optimization, but it's guaranteed to trip up programmers who started with different languages. The fix is to make the task "automatic" instead of static:
module top; task automatic do_stuff(int wait_time); #wait_time $display("waited %0d, then did stuff", wait_time); endtask initial begin fork do_stuff(10); do_stuff(5); join end endmodule
And now you get what you expected:
waited 5, then did stuff waited 10, then did stuff
Now let's get a little more tricky. Say you want to only wait until one of the forked processes finishes, so you do this:
module top; task automatic do_stuff(int wait_time); #wait_time $display("waited %0d, then did stuff", wait_time); endtask initial begin fork do_stuff(10); do_stuff(5); join_any $display("fork has been joined"); end endmodule
You'll get this output:
waited 5, then did stuff fork has been joined waited 10, then did stuff
That's fine, but that extra action from the slower do_stuff after the fork-join_any block has finished might not be what you wanted. You can name the fork block and disable it to take care of that, like so:
module top; task automatic do_stuff(int wait_time); #wait_time $display("waited %0d, then did stuff", wait_time); endtask initial begin fork : do_stuff_fork do_stuff(10); do_stuff(5); join_any $display("fork has been joined"); disable do_stuff_fork; end endmodule
Unless your simulator, like mine, "in the current release" will not disable sub-processes created by a fork-join_any statement. Bummer. It's OK, though, because SystemVerilog provides a disable fork statement that disables all active threads of a calling process (if that description doesn't already make you nervous, just wait). Simply do this:
module top; task automatic do_stuff(int wait_time); #wait_time $display("waited %0d, then did stuff", wait_time); endtask initial begin fork : do_stuff_fork do_stuff(10); do_stuff(5); join_any $display("fork has been joined"); disable fork; end endmodule
And you get:
waited 5, then did stuff fork has been joined
Nothing wrong there. Now let's say you have a class that is monitoring a bus. Using a classes are cool because if you have two buses you can create two instances of your monitor class, one for each bus. We can expand our code example to approximate this scenario, like so:
class a_bus_monitor; int id; function new(int id_in); id = id_in; endfunction task automatic do_stuff(int wait_time); #wait_time $display("monitor %0d waited %0d, then did stuff", id, wait_time); endtask task monitor(); fork : do_stuff_fork do_stuff(10 + id); do_stuff(5 + id); join_any $display("monitor %0d fork has been joined", id); disable do_stuff_fork; endtask endclass module top; a_bus_monitor abm1; a_bus_monitor abm2; initial begin abm1 = new(1); abm2 = new(2); fork abm2.monitor(); abm1.monitor(); join $display("main fork has been joined"); end endmodule
Note that I went back to disabling the fork by name instead of using the disable fork statement. This is to illustrate another gotcha. That disable call will disable both instances of the fork, monitor 1's instance and monitor 2's. You get this output:
monitor 1 waited 6, then did stuff monitor 1 fork has been joined monitor 2 fork has been joined main fork has been joined
Because disabling by name is such a blunt instrument, poor monitor 2 never got a chance. Now, if you turn the disable into a disable fork, like so:
class a_bus_monitor; int id; function new(int id_in); id = id_in; endfunction task automatic do_stuff(int wait_time); #wait_time $display("monitor %0d waited %0d, then did stuff", id, wait_time); endtask task monitor(); fork : do_stuff_fork do_stuff(10 + id); do_stuff(5 + id); join_any $display("monitor %0d fork has been joined", id); disable fork; endtask endclass module top; a_bus_monitor abm1; a_bus_monitor abm2; initial begin abm1 = new(1); abm2 = new(2); fork abm2.monitor(); abm1.monitor(); join $display("main fork has been joined"); end endmodule
You get what you expect:
monitor 1 waited 6, then did stuff monitor 1 fork has been joined monitor 2 waited 7, then did stuff monitor 2 fork has been joined main fork has been joined
It turns out that, like when you disable something by name, disable fork is a pretty blunt tool also. Remember my ominous parenthetical "just wait" above? Here it comes. Try adding another fork like this (look for the fork_something task call):
class a_bus_monitor; int id; function new(int id_in); id = id_in; endfunction function void fork_something(); fork # 300 $display("monitor %0d: you'll never see this", id); join_none endfunction task automatic do_stuff(int wait_time); #wait_time $display("monitor %0d waited %0d, then did stuff", id, wait_time); endtask task monitor(); fork_something(); fork : do_stuff_fork do_stuff(10 + id); do_stuff(5 + id); join_any $display("monitor %0d fork has been joined", id); disable fork; endtask endclass module top; a_bus_monitor abm1; a_bus_monitor abm2; initial begin abm1 = new(1); abm2 = new(2); fork abm2.monitor(); abm1.monitor(); join $display("main fork has been joined"); end endmodule
The output you get is:
monitor 1 waited 6, then did stuff monitor 1 fork has been joined monitor 2 waited 7, then did stuff monitor 2 fork has been joined main fork has been joined
Yup, fork_something's fork got disabled too. How do you disable only the processes inside the fork you want? You have to wrap your fork-join_any inside of a fork-join, of course. That makes sure that there aren't any other peers or child processes for disable fork to hit. Here's the zoomed in view of that (UPDATE: added missing begin...end for outer fork):
task monitor(); fork_something(); fork begin fork : do_stuff_fork do_stuff(10 + id); do_stuff(5 + id); join_any $display("monitor %0d fork has been joined", id); disable fork; end join endtask
And now you get what you expect:
monitor 2 fork has been joined monitor 1 fork has been joined monitor 1 waited 6, then did stuff monitor 2 waited 7, then did stuff main fork has been joined monitor 1 waited 11, then did stuff monitor 2 waited 12, then did stuff monitor 2: you'll never see this monitor 1: you'll never see this
So, wrap your fork-join_any inside a fork-join or else it's, "Gotcha!!!" (I can almost picture the SystemVerilog language designers saying that out loud, with maniacal expressions on their faces).
But wait, I discovered something even weirder. Instead of making that wrapper fork, you can just move the fork_something() call after the disable fork call and then it doesn't get disabled (you actually see the "you'll never see this" message, try it). So, you might think, just reordering your fork and disable fork calls and that will fix your problem. It will, unless (I learned by sad experience) the monitor task is being repeatedly called inside a forever loop. Here's a simplification of the code that really inspired me to write this all up:
class a_bus_monitor; int id; function new(int id_in); id = id_in; endfunction function void fork_something(); fork # 30 $display("monitor %0d: you'll never see this", id); join_none endfunction task automatic do_stuff(int wait_time); #wait_time $display("monitor %0d waited %0d, then did stuff", id, wait_time); endtask // do_stuff task monitor_subtask(); fork : do_stuff_fork do_stuff(10 + id); do_stuff(5 + id); join_any $display("monitor %0d fork has been joined", id); disable fork; fork_something(); endtask task monitor(); forever begin monitor_subtask(); end endtask endclass module top; a_bus_monitor abm1; a_bus_monitor abm2; initial begin abm1 = new(1); abm2 = new(2); fork abm2.monitor(); abm1.monitor(); join_none $display("main fork has been joined"); # 60 $finish; end endmodule
The fork inside the fork_something task will get disabled before it can do its job, even though it's after the disable fork statement. Gotcha!!! Muhahahah!
My advice? Just always wrap any disable fork calls inside a fork-join.
A key concept to remember is that the call stack and process hierarchy are related, but orthogonal concepts. It does create some weird interactions, but the resulting behavior of wait/disable fork is straightforward if you can keep the concepts separate.
BTW, the reason tasks/functions are static by default outside of class methods has to do with backward compatibility with legacy Verilog. As a pure Hardware Description Language, it had no concept of dynamic or automatically allocated storage.
Sorry I'm so late to reply, this month has been really busy for me at home and at work. I'm not sure what your problem might be. It'd be easier if I could see some code. Do you think you could come up with a simplified example? Posting it on would be really helpful as we could see how it behaves with different simulators.
The real reason why the last example fails can be seen if we UNROLL the forever loop a bit.
First, let's factor in monitor_subtask() into monitor():
forever begin
fork : do_stuff_fork
disable fork;
Now let's unroll the loop once:
fork : do_stuff_fork1
disable fork;
forever begin
fork : do_stuff_fork
disable fork;
So far so good.
Then let's unroll it another time:
fork : do_stuff_fork1
disable fork;
fork : do_stuff_fork2
disable fork;
forever begin
fork : do_stuff_fork
disable fork;
Notice I added "/**/" comments. As you can see, when unrolled, the fork_something() call comes *BEFORE* the disable fork statement.
What we really need is thread id's and a way to kill and wait on threads using their id's, not a disable-fork sledgehammer.
I may make a `define that does the fork\nfork and join_any\ndisable fork;\njoin