Mondo Bug

This was originally posted on my family blog on 4/8/06. I will be slowly moving the geeky stuff from there to this blog.

I finally got to where I'm confident mondo is going to work for my backup needs, and I got the command-line that I want all figured out to backup just the stuff I need. Here it is, for posterity's sake:

 mondoarchive -O -i -I "/home /etc" -d '/mnt/home/backup2' -E '/home/pub /home/bryan/.mozilla/firefox/6ytxpczd.default/Cache /home/bryan/backgrounds /home/bryan/downloads /home/bryan/glazba /home/bryan/roms /home/bryan/src /home/bryan/tmp /home/bryan/video /home/bryan/vmware/Browser-Appliance /home/bryan/vmware/test' -g -s '700m'

The '-I' option I'm using is straight from the mondoarchive man page. However, mondo gives this error message when I try the above:

Fatal error... ERROR ! You specified a directory to include which doesn't exist
---FATALERROR--- ERROR ! You specified a directory to include which doesn't exist

Huh!?! I tried various and sundry other combinations and coulnd't get it to work. I finally glanced over at the mailing list archives and found that, just today, this was identified as a bug. At least I know I'm not going insane. Bruno (a fellow HPer, by the way) says the fix is in svn, but I think I'll wait until someone builds some rpms for me.


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